Reel handling

In most cases the change involves upgrading an existing handling system in existing premises. We have to be able to redesign and find the best solutions whitin those same four walls, frequently adapting existing machinery. Consequently we are not comitted to a single standard solution. We cooperate with numbers of suppliers. We start from standard and spare parts you are already using and we go from there.

Apron conveyor

Transports lying reels. Set into the floor - can be crossed by wheeled vehicles.


Transfers the paper reels from one conveying medium to another position.

Feed through

Dampens the movement of the reel and feed it on to the next stage.


Takes up kinetic energy from the reels and places reels on conveyor.


Metrans AB collaborate with various manufacturers to produce wrapping machinery built to customer specification.


For changing direction of flow in a transport line. Uses a belt conveyer or a craddle lift device.

Reel up-ender

Raise reels from lying position to standing position.

Belt conveyor

Used for transporting standing reels.

Reel guillotine

The guillotine can not only split the roll it can also divide it into several smaller pieces. If a scale is included you can get an accurate feed of the pulper.
product_roll_slitter_860.jpg Black dog relaxing on the floor

Reel slitter

The roll slitter can cut a chosen number of layers, it can feed the pulper with high accuracy. The slitter can lift up the roll ansd transport it to a position, for example over the pulper when i rips the roll.

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    Norra Gubberogatan 32
    41663 Gothenburg Sweden